Otterburne, Manitoba.
This is where we have decided to set up house for the next year, until we head back to Japan… We are here because Hillary is attending Providence College for a year, beginning next month.
For those of you who are unfamiliar with Canada and the Plains, please allow me to educate you. Canada is very sparsely populated (10 million square kilometers [2nd only to Russia] for 34 million people), and the Plains are… flat. Very flat. I can’t find the population of Otterburne, but the school is here, so there are at least 300 people here (except during the summer of course). My guess is about 5 right now. (And you know what?? I love it!)
The upshot is that the sky is beautiful here, and there is so much of it… and we experience some fantastic electrical storms as well (no pictures yet). A few nights ago around midnight Hillary and I drove out a few minutes to a dirt road where there was literally nothing in sight, and just watched the lightning crash all around us. Amazing. As I type this, I am watching yet another beautiful sunset from our second-floor living room window.
Life is so different here… not to mention my own big change (married to the best girl ever on July 10)! So things are just different for me right now. I’m enjoying it very much… but at the same time, looking forward to getting involved in some stuff to keep me busy J (Not that I’ve been twiddling my thumbs here!)
Life is good! Hillary is great! God is the best J